Keep Kratom Legal
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As of 2015 there was a growing international concern about a possible threat to public health from kratom use. In some jurisdictions its sale and importation have been restricted, and a number of public health authorities have raised alerts. A massive campaign has been initiated to keep kratom legal within the United States. For more information, or to support keeping kratom legal, please visit these websites:

Kratom Activists / Kratom Community:

American Kratom Association (AKA)
 Comprehensive literature, news and activism benefiting kratom’s legality & future. The American Kratom Association was formed in 2014 and officially launched in 2015, to protect the right of all Americans to use the natural botanical Kratom for improved health and well-being. Please visit and donate to the cause if you benefit in any way from kratom.

Botanical Legal Defense Group (BLD)
 Leading kratom activists responsible for helping us keep kratom legal in several states including Florida! Please visit and donate to the cause if you benefit from kratom.

Kratom Studies
Studies done on kratom worldwide.

The Botanical Kratom Alliance 
The Botanical Education Alliance (BEA) is an organization dedicated to educating consumers, lawmakers, law enforcement, and the media about safe and therapeutic natural supplements including Mitragyna speciosa, also known as Kratom.

United Kratom Association
The mission of the United Kratom Association is to protect Mitragyna Speciosa (kratom) and the rights of its supporters by way of political education and awareness on state and federal levels.

Why would regulators ban an herbal treatment for recovering opioid addicts:
Once Andrew Turner learned of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s plan to ban the medicinal herb he uses to manage a host of medical issues, he did what many activists do: recorded his personal testimony and put it up on YouTube.
The Navy veteran didn’t just tell his story; he could actually show what life without kratom was like for him. Turner suffers from combat-related disabilities, chronic pain, post-traumatic stress disorder, Meige syndrome, and dystonia. He takes a small amount of powdered leaf from the kratom plant once daily to treat his conditions.

Nootropics & More:
 Ethnobotanicals, Herbal & Health Supplements, Nootropics, CBD, Kava, Blue Lotus, Adaptogens & much more…

Khem Corp
 From mind enhancers to tolerance reduction/reversal products,
 Khemcorp is a top resource and a trusted vendor.